Electric cylinder actuator and linear actuator

In the product category: linear actuator and electric cylinder (also called servo cylinder) MACCON offers a range of products for different duty cycles, forces and speeds. The key components of the actuators are a screw and a motor. The main screw types are as follows:

  • Planetary roller screw
  • Inverted Planetary roller screw
  • Ball screw (a.k.a. ballscrew)
  • ACME screw

Depending on the particular type, the linear actuators can be delivered with an integrated servomotor, or, an external servo motor or stepper motor. Please keep reading for more details about the different product families.

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IMA: Electric cylinder actuator with roller-screw and integrated servomotor. Forces up to 30kN.

The IMA series from the manufacturer Tolomatic is a family of integrated electric cylinders, also known as linear actuators. An integrated electric cylinder contains a roller-screw, a servomotor and a rotary encoder, all within the same housing. This makes it very compact and easy to install. The IMA series comprises three main lines:

  • IMA: Industrial-grade, for forces up to 30kN
  • IMA-WP: Like IMA, but coated in white epoxy for food-grade washdown applications
  • IMA-S: Like IMA, but made of stainless steel, for demanding IP69K applications in the food and beverage industry.

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RSA/RSX: Electric cylinder with roller screw and external motor. Forces up to 178kN.

For electric cylinders using roller-screw technology, also called linear actuators, with external motors, for forces up to 178kN, we offer three families, as described in the following:

  • RSA-ST (Standard Torque) for forces up to 40kN
  • RSA-HT (High Torque) for forces up to 58kN
  • RSX for forces up to 178kN

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ERD/IMA-S: Electric cylinders: stainless steel for hygienic food applications.

For hygienic food applications or for clean-room applications, we offer four families of stainless steel cylinders, as follows:

  • IP67 / IP69K options
  • Clean-in-place compatible
  • Food authority approvals
  • Integrated motor (IMA-S family)
  • External motor (ERD family)

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DAXX: Linear actuator with inverted roller screw and integrated servomotor

if your application has severe space constraints, especially concerning the axial length, a linear actuator using an inverted roller-screw might be a good solution for you. In this technology, the screw-nut is driven directly by a concentrically-mounted servomotor. The screw-nut thus forces the screw to move in linear motion. Our DAXX family offers electric cylinders with inverted roller-screws for speeds of up to 450 mm/s with peak forces up to 22kN. Alternatively, using a different screw pitch, speeds of 750 mm/s and peak forces of up to 10kN are possible.

We also offer compact actuators with water-cooling on a project-specific basis. Alternatively, if you need a very high force combined with a very short stroke, fitting into a very short axial length, we can also provide project-specific solutions. Please talk to our engineers about your needs.

For more details, please click on the heading of this section, or, on the corresponding menu item on the right-hand side. Alternatively, please Contact Us for technical advice to help you select the correct product for your application.

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HAYDON-KERK: Linearaktuator als Laufgewindespindel mit Schrittmotor

For applications with lower speeds and shorter duty cycles, our manufacturer partner Haydon-Kerk offers cost-effective linear actuators consisting of a stepper motor combined with a lead screw. The stepper motor (hybrid stepper motor) has a rotor with a hollow shaft. Part of this hollow shaft is a spindle nut, which together with a spindle is responsible for the conversion of the rotatory into a linear movement. Our manufacturer partner Haydon-Kerk offers different variants of linear actuators for different applications. The actuators can apply up to 2,200N peak force.

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